Thursday, October 09, 2008

Summary of my 'mission' week in Indonesia!

Just came back from Surabaya, Indonesia. I was facilitating a camp there with 5 others: Leaders Empowering in Adventure Ministry. It was a great week....except for a few physical attacks here and there...such as illnesses and others. The photos showed me looking like a dead man.

But in any case, it was a great week. Spent around 5-6 days with 65++ group of teenagers to adults, me giving seminars (I couldn't remember what I said!! I was very nervous!) and workshops... there was this 1 night where they had to venture their way through the dark of the night and to tell the truth, it was pretty scary for them and me... ya know me sitting there alone at night, watching them from a distance so that they don't wander past the boundaries.

And then there's raft-building and they had to travel to an island 800 metres or so away. One of the groups, their raft sank midway and they had to paddle what's left of their fast-sinking raft to shore fast! All in all a good event.

My quote for the week: Share Help Impart Teach ... hehe

1 comment:

yan shiang said...

hehe..didn't know u get nervous when giving speeches :P

I had a field study on spiders once in one of the rainforests in Brunei during my school days. It involved observing the spiders 24 hours.

During our last day, we were doing the midnight shift from 12am-2am. Had to keep our torchlight off and only flick at 10mins intervals. So, it was dark and scarry sitting there with my friend.

Then, suddenly we heard a soft purring sound behind us. My friend and I looked at each other. Then, the purring became louder. And we ran for our lives!!!

Guess what it was?