Friday, October 24, 2008

Bewar the "Flesh Days"

In all your ways know, recognize, and acknwledge Him, and
He will drect and make straight
and plain your paths. -PROVERBS 3:6
I have found that the more oedient I am, the easier it is to be obedient again. And the more disobedient I am, the easier it is to be disobedient. Some days we can tell as soon as we wake up that we're going to have what I call a "flesh day". We start the day feeling stubborn and lazy.
Our first thoughts are: I'm not cleaning this house, I'm going shopping. I'm not staying on this stupid diet either. I'm eathing what I want to eat all day, and I don't want anybody in my face bugging me about it. If they do, I'm going to tell them what I think.
If we feel that way when we wake up, we have a decision to mae. We can follow those feelings or we can pray, "God, please help me, quick!" Our feelings can come under the lordship of Jesus Christ if we ask Him to help us straighten out our attitude.
I know all about flesh days; I know we can start out acting badly and it can go from bad to worse. It seems that once we give in to a selfish attitude and follow our flesh, it's downhill to a wasted day. But every time we obey our conscience, we widen the window that God can use to led us by His Spirit. Everytime we follow the leading of our conscience, it lets in more light the next time. Once we enjoy knowing that God will truly lead us to a better plan, it gets easier to obey Him promptly.
From Joyce Meyer's devotional material

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Stay Expectant Every Day

He [Jesus] said to them [the disciples], It is not for you to become acquainted with and know what time brings [the things and events of time and their definite periods] or fixed years and seasons (their critical niche in time), which the Father has appointed (fixed and reserved) by His own choice and authority and personal power.
ACTS 1:7

Often we experience a lot of disappointment, which hinders joy and enjoyment, due to deciding for ourselves that something has to be done a certain way or by a certain time. When we want something very strongly, we can easily convince ourselves that it is God's will for us to have it.

I always believe for things. I am goal-oriented and always need something to look forward to. Many years ago, I was letting what I thought was faith fustrate me. I attempted to use my faith to get what I wanted. When it did not arrive on time, I felt I had failed in the faith department.

Now, after almost twenty years, I know that I can and should use my faith, but God has an appointed time. "In due time" (1 PETER 5:6), "at the appointed time" (GENESIS 18:14), "when the proper time" (GALATIANS 4:4)-these are things the Bible says about God's timing.

Jesus Himself made it clear that it is not for us to know what these times are. Remaining expectant every day, no matter how long it takes, is one of the things that will keep you and me flowing in joy.

I am sure most of us are expecting. I know I am. There are things God has spoken to me - things e has placed in my heart - that I have not seen manifested yet. Some of them have been there as long as fifteen or sixteen years. Other things He spoke around the same time have come to pass. I used to be confused. Now, I am no longer confused; I am expecting. My time can come at any moment, any day - maybe today - and so can yours.

Joyce Meyer

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Step Out and Find Out

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 CORINTHIANS 2:9 (NIV)

Perhaps God has been speaking to you about some changes in your life and you want them, but you are afraid. I want to encourage you not to be afraid to step out. Even if you make a mistake, it won't be the end of the world.
Go through the doors He is opening. You may even have to take a few steps in some direction and see if a door previously closed will open as you approach it. Maybe you have a little direction from God, but you don't see the full picture. God leads step by step. He may never show you step two until you take step one. I am not advocating doing foolish things, but I do encourage you to find the balance between living in fear and living in wisdom.
God is progressive, and I have found that my faith is also. I may have a little faith, and so God shows me a little something to do. Then as I am faithful over the little thing, He shows me the next step, and by then, my faith has grown to be able to handle it.
Don't spend all of your life looking back and wishing you had tried different things or done things differently. Wondering what could have been is a lonely feeling. I can promise you that you will not enjoy everything you try. But at least you will have the personal experience of knowing. You won't have to live your whole life hearing about what everyone else is doing and wondering what it would be like. You are not going to be able to do everything, but step out in God's timing into the things you feel He is leading you into.
Joyce Meyer's New Day New You

Monday, October 20, 2008

Putting on God's Armor

Be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him];
draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless
might provides]. Ephesians 6:10

Do you know what happens when you spend time with God? You begin to act like David when he faced the giant Goliath. You begin to take a stand and demand of the enemy, "Who do you think you are to defy the army of the living God?" (SEE 1 SAMUEL 17:26). As soldiers of the cross, you and I are not suppose to be afraid of our enemy, the devil. When a spirit of fear comes along, rather than shaking like a leaf, we are to be as bold as a lion. The devil comes against those who are doing damage to his kingdom, those who are doing something for God. How do we withstand the devil? By putting on the full armor of God, taking up the shield of faith, by which we can quench all his fiery darts, and by wielding the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (SEE EPHESIANS 6:13-17). But all of that armor and all of those weapons come from spending time in fellowship with the Lord. Ephesians 6:10 actually begins this discourse on the armor of God, saying, "Be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]." To me, that says "Be strong through your fellowship with God." Then verse 11 goes on to say, "Put on God's whole armor." Only after eing strengthened in fellowship can we properly wear the armor.
Joyce Meyer's New Day New You Everyday Devotions

Friday, October 10, 2008

Do It Afraid!

Be strong, courageous, and firm; fear not...for it is the Lord your
God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you.

Fear is nothing but a feeling that causes certain manifestations. It causes us to tremble, sweat, turn red, shake, and have wobbly knees. The Bible doesn’t say, “Tremble not.” The Bible doesn’t say, “Sweat not,” or “Shake not.” The Bible says, “Fear not.” And the word fear implies running away from something! In other words, God is saying when fear comes, which it will because fear is the enemy of confidence, don’t let it stop us. We are to do it afraid!

When I received this revelation, I could hardly believe it. It seemed too good to be true. I realized there wasn’t anything wrong with me when my knees knocked together in new situations or when I felt I was going to faint. Because I went ahead and did what I was supposed to do in spite of how I felt, I wasn’t a coward. We are cowards only if we run. Maybe you have been allowing a feeling to control and determine your destiny. Maybe you think that some people have fear and others don’t. But the truth is that fear comes to everybody. What we do in spite of that fear makes the difference between victory or defeat in our lives.

Joyce Meyer's 366 Devotions in New Day New You

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Summary of my 'mission' week in Indonesia!

Just came back from Surabaya, Indonesia. I was facilitating a camp there with 5 others: Leaders Empowering in Adventure Ministry. It was a great week....except for a few physical attacks here and there...such as illnesses and others. The photos showed me looking like a dead man.

But in any case, it was a great week. Spent around 5-6 days with 65++ group of teenagers to adults, me giving seminars (I couldn't remember what I said!! I was very nervous!) and workshops... there was this 1 night where they had to venture their way through the dark of the night and to tell the truth, it was pretty scary for them and me... ya know me sitting there alone at night, watching them from a distance so that they don't wander past the boundaries.

And then there's raft-building and they had to travel to an island 800 metres or so away. One of the groups, their raft sank midway and they had to paddle what's left of their fast-sinking raft to shore fast! All in all a good event.

My quote for the week: Share Help Impart Teach ... hehe

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Great Uncle

Internet in the office has been down since last week. So, I can't go online to chat and stuff, but good in a way, I can fully concentrate on my work and wah, I've managed to complete a lot of work until today. Tho, sometimes still a bit bored halfway between work coz no internet. great uncle in China passed away last week in his 90's. Feel so sad, but I trust that he's with the Lord. I never met my great uncle but I always send him christmas cards, chinese new year cards and photos of me and my family. When I was younger, I used to send him hand made cards. Last Chinese New Year, he sent me a card back and wrote a whole lot of chinese that I had to ask Tracy to read and translate. I only spoke to great uncle once on the phone, and I heard him calling my name out loud and spoke to me in hockkien, which I can't really respond to coz I'm not very fluent in it. sad, I can't see great uncle before he died, tho I did wish I could visit him last time to meet him at least once. So, I guess we'll meet in heaven one day.