Monday, March 19, 2007


Dear all,

it's been some time since i last posted.
I wonder if anyone still reads?
I'm sorry that i haven't been faithful in updating...
Thanks for those who still faithfully drop by to see if anyone updates, and thanks for those who have posted to encourage/ edify/ challenge.

It seems i've lost my passion to share what God teaches me, i guess this year i've been concentrating a lot on 'doing' and end up being very tired at times... but thank God for His grace and strength.
Just an update on how solid rock has been doing this term.

We've been doing a book called 'Network' this term, some of us had some reservations but we also had confirmations from God that it was something He wanted us to do. it's quite different from the usual bible studies we do, cos it's more of a practical course, than 'solid food', which i do miss. But it's been exciting learning more about one another's gifts and personal styles in terms of service. Also, encouraging to see many new people helping out in the worship team. We've got a drumset now!!! Well, just electric drums but better than nth lar. heh.

Also, our longest solid rock member is sadly leaving us soon (tentatively 10th april). Yes, Rob has got a job in the university in Guangzhou, and will be there for at least 6 months, likely to extend to a year. I remember how i used to be intimidated by this big british guy when i first came to sr, but when you get to know him, he's actually a really warm guy with lots of experience, wisdom and interesting stories to share :) We had a steamboat dinner at his place last weekend. You'll be missed Rob!

Easter break is near. This year, we decided to organize our own solid rock retreat, instead of going for spring harvest or mec (midlands easter conference). it's been sometime since sr had it's own retreat, and we thought it'll be warm and cosy :) Thorsten will be speaking on the theme on the spiritual life and disciplines.
Sadly i won't be able to go though, kinda sad... especially since it's my last year here. But i decided to go for a mission trip to malta instead. Wish to focus on fewer things, and not try to put my feet into too many ponds as a friend would say ;) About 6 solidrockers are going for the mission trip, as well so guess it'll be a mini solid rock retreat too. heh. we're going to help out on board the logos2 which will be docked there while we're there. i'm looking forward to washing the decks for some reason or other!

Hope everyone's doing well, wherever you may be, may His grace and peace be with you. Solid rockers, rock on for Jesus! ;)

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easilt hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish." Hebrews 12:1-2

Praise God all ye people!

For Him,