Thursday, April 27, 2006

Hallowed be Thy Names

A book by David Wilkerson

Each of God's names reveals a defining quality about our Lord's nature and character towards His people. God revealed these names to His people (Abraham, Moses , Ezekiel etc) only as they needed them---in their moment of deepest crisis. If up to now , you only know God as a God of love .. you seriously need to read this book because God is so much more than love! His very nature is LOVE , but we should not neglect the fact that He is also our provider , our source of righteousness and our peace.
okie, here are a few names that we need to learn , ya ..

El Shaddai - God All-Powerful and All-Sufficient

Jehovah Jireh - The Lord Who Sees and Who Provides (Genesis 22:14)

Jehovah Nissi - The Lord Our Banner

Jehovah Tsidkenu - The Lord Our Righteousness (Jeremiah 23:5-6)

you need to read the book to find out more! Let us not limit our God by our own narrow thinking .. He is the God of 'how much more' .. Be transformed by the renewing of your minds! How do we renew our minds ? by allowing God's word to dwell in us (simple to say but difficult to put into practice..).

pls form a reading queue behind Pam for this wonderful book that'll help you to understand more of God's character . I love the way it points me back to the bible to look at the passages which I've read a few times but the essence of them didn't quite sink in. This book will help you look at the Old Testament with new eyes . Cool !

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