Sunday, April 02, 2006

Are you putting a smile on God's face ?

Praise the Lord for Mary's EXTRAordinary BS social.. I've heard all about it , the unfolding of events was extremely exciting ..i must say ! wow , indeed , how can a meeting among believers be ordinary when God is in our midst ? God is always at work !

I really thank God for Mary because she really has a tender heart for people. As a student, I'm always tempted to put my work above the needs of other people . Many times , I must admit that I must have grieved the Holy Spirit when I chose work over people. I've been reading The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren for the past few weeks ... and the final few chapters really hit close to my heart. There's really nothing in this world that we can bring with us when we die except for the people that we've brought to , the question is , are we investing our time in the correct place? Are we giving our all to what God loves the most ...PEOPLE ?

I would like to challenge anyone who's reading this with what I read in the book . Is anyone going be in heaven because you cared enough to share the Good News with him/her? Most of the time fear has been my main obstacle in evangelism . If we truly love our friends/family/housemates/coursemates , we should tell them about Jesus ! For our love for them ought to surpass the fear in our hearts.. "There is no fear in love; perfect love drives out all fear " (1John 4:18)..

Let us continue to pray for a breakthrough in the lives of those closest to us .. people may refuse our love or reject our message but they are defenceless against our prayers (Rick Warren) .. that's our secret weapon *grins*...for we do not wage wars as the world does , neither do we fight with weapons of the world (2 Cor 10:3-4).

Whatever we do , let us do with the aim of pleasing God. I've been thinking a lot about reflecting the glory of God wherever we are and in whatever we do. And I do wonder about the way I live my daily life .. Do my housemates feel as though 'a little Christ' (=Christian) is living with them ? or does it seem more like the devil himself is staying in my room ? Do I behave, act and speak like a Christian when no one is there to hold me accountable ? Am I a 24-hour Christian or am I someone who puts on 'a false pretense of holiness' when I go out to meet my Christian friends ? Let us search our hearts and repent if we've been 'unreal' with ppl around us ... for God searches the hearts of all men . We can never hide our thoughts from Him...

Another weird post from me ! just voicing out some thoughts that were in my mind .. can you share your thoughts with me ? We'r all on the same journey , let us share with a sincere heart with no fear of condemnation from other fellow believers .. Now , that will be what I call a real travel companion !


1 comment:

pp said...

hey sinli,
what you said spoke to my heart. thanks. i've been feeling like i've been striving to be a 'good christian' on my own strength and been frustrating when i fail. How we need the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Only by relying on Him each day can we live this life that He's called us to.
signed, your fellow traveller