Tuesday, March 21, 2006

From another time: Part 2

Hi :)

Firstly, if anyone's wondering 'Who's Ken Mi and Marcus? Never seen them at Solid Rock before..' you'll be right. You've never seen them - unless you're 25 years old like me.

Secondly, if anyone's wondering 'Who are you and why are you posting in our blog??' you'll be entirely justified as well. My name's Mei Fern. I was a student at Notts from 2000-2003 and am now working in KL. I had accidentally sent an email to SR's old email address one day while I was clearing out my inbox. Much to my surprise, Ee Ling answered. Then Pam answered. Then Pam invited me to share on this blog. Which is what I'm doing.

Thirdly, if anyone's wondering 'So how does the entry below end? Tell me or I'll die of suspense!' well, the truth is, I don't remember. The entry below is the accidental mail I was talking about above. It was a testimony I started writing for the SR newsletter (yes it was printed!) during those turbulent few months as a first year student.

I'm in a unique position. All at once, I see the past, the present and everything that has happened in between - the laughter, the tears, the marathon essay-writing sessions, the friends, the graduation, the job interview, the sink-or-swim realities of work, the learning, the stress, the 'adult' responsibilities, the church life, the struggle with God, the grace received, the life partner.

It's simply amazing. It's not an Oprah-worthy story, I know, but with this special insight I am blown away by what I see in my life: the hand of my Lord and Saviour, guiding me and protecting me along the pathway, which He choses to reveal a little at a time if I would just walk closely with Him.

I don't have a magnificent life-changing story to tell. Just one of an underserving sinner and an Almighty Creator who chooses to be faithful. Life is really nothing to shout about but when you think about how a God could love one literally to (His) death, then nothing is ordinary about this journey that we're on.

-Mei Fern-
p/s: I hope I have not intruded!

1 comment:

pp said...

No intrusion at all...
Always welcome anytime :)
Great to see how God has been so good and faithful to SR through all these years...